Never underestimate the importance of taking care of your dental health. After all, your digestion starts in the mouth, and healthy teeth help to properly chew your food, so you can get all the nutrition you need. If you’ve been slacking in oral care, then here are good oral habits your local dentists recommend you start today.

Double Brushing and Flossing

Did you know Americans buy over 14 million gallons of toothpaste annually, according to our sources? Your local dentists recommend brushing and flossing at least twice a day. It’s even better if you brush and floss after every meal or snack to ensure that food debris, especially sugary ones, do not build up on your teeth.


According to Listerine, its famous mouthwash kills as much as 99% of bacteria in your mouth. While brushing and flossing are the main ways that people clean their teeth and gums, mouthwash adds another layer of protection and cleanliness. Thanks to the power of mouthwash, you can improve your avoidance of developing plaque, which can later turn into tartar. Not getting rid of plaque, especially below the gum line, can eventually lead to gum disease, which can have major repercussions. If Listerine is too strong for you, then other mouthwashes on the market might be gentler and can also help get rid of extra bacteria.

Tongue Scraping

Tongue scraping is a regular daily practice in many cultures. By scraping the tongue, you’re getting rid of more food residue and bacteria, and reducing your chances of bad breath. A tongue scraper can be something as simple as a plastic device, or a more permanent one made of metal. You can always ask your local dentist to recommend a scraper you should buy to use at home.

Regular Visits

Oral care is your direct responsibility. Your local dentists also play a role if you let them. According to the American Dental Association, you should visit your dental office at least twice a year. In some cases, you may need more visits depending on various treatments you may be undergoing, such as braces.

As you can see, you have many ways to step up your oral hygiene game starting today. Double up on brushing and flossing, invest in a good bottle of mouthwash and a tongue scraper, and don’t forget to make your visit to our local office. Contact us today for a consultation, so we can ensure you maintain a beautiful and healthy smile.

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