Has it been over a year since you last went to the dentist? If so, you may want to consider contacting a dental office soon to protect yourself from tooth issues and oral disease. Feeling nervous? That’s okay! Here’s our comprehensive guide on everything you should expect during the exam to ease your nerves.

Why Regular Dental Check-Ups Are Important

Many people don’t exactly look forward to an exam performed by their local dentist. However, it’s necessary to take care of oral health early on so any issues may be addressed while they are small and your dentist has more control over treatment outcomes. According to the CDC, 25.9% of adults between the ages of 20 and 44 have untreated dental caries. While you may not notice a cavity at first, unfortunately, left untreated the decay will spread. This sometimes turns a situation that could have been fixed with a small filling into one that requires more extensive restoration, such as a crown. Leaving cavities untreated may also lead to pain and discomfort, often at the most inconvenient time. Scheduling a check-up with your dentist will help reduce any pain you’re feeling in your mouth — not add to it.

What to Expect During the Exam

First, dental exams begin with your dental assistant taking any necessary x-rays for the dentist to review and use for diagnosis. These x-rays allow the doctor to see many things that the eye alone cannot. Then, using a small mirror your dentist will look at your teeth and gums to ensure no swelling, cavities, or other concerns are present. The doctor may also perform periodontal charting where the gumline is probed to see how well your teeth are held in by your bone and gum tissue. The doctor will review all of his findings with you, then help you get scheduled for any appropriate treatment or hygiene needs.

Why Fear Shouldn’t Stop You

Dental anxiety is very real and affects a lot of people. Maybe you’re nervous about putting yourself in an environment with lots of unfamiliar tools, or you’re scared of the potential pain you envision feeling during the exam. These reasons are valid; however, you should not feel any pain during the exam whatsoever. If you’re feeling any discomfort, we recommend communicating that in the moment, and your provider will be more than happy to accommodate you.

While dental exams may not be your favorite thing in the world, they are necessary for your oral health and peace of mind. If you’re looking for a reputable dentist in Ashland, Oregon, who will ease any of your anxieties, contact White Dental Studio, today!

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