Teeth are meant to last a lifetime, but a lifetime of neglect causes them to go bad. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, a fourth of the nation’s adults have at least one cavity. Instead of neglecting your teeth and becoming one of the 25% with at least one cavity, these four tips will help you prevent them and lessen your need for fillings, crowns, or other restorations.

1. Floss and Brush After Meals

Most people are aware that they should brush and floss regularly. Did you know that it’s far more effective to floss and then brush your teeth? This is because flossing removes food matter and any other materials that might prevent toothpaste from fully doing its job between your teeth. Flossing and brushing after every meal is the best way to stop food from affecting your teeth and gums and neutralize any acidic content that might be in your drinks, or remove foods that might stain your teeth.

2. Use Mouthwash and Fluoride

When bacteria collect in your mouth, it can harm your teeth. Whenever you eat foods that have lots of sugar or carbohydrates, they create an acid that removes the minerals from the surface of your teeth. Using toothpaste that contains fluoride neutralizes the acids and helps clean your teeth while protecting the tooth enamel. After brushing and rinsing your mouth, you can use mouthwash that also contains fluoride to kill any remaining germs and ensure your teeth have the best protection against tooth decay.

3. Schedule Checkups Regularly

There’s no substitute for regular visits to dentists to have your teeth cleaned. Two or three appointments annually for teeth cleaning and general checkups help identify any problems early on. Instead of ignoring tooth decay and other dental issues, your dentist can take care of them before they become big problems. A small cavity that gets filled right away won’t cause discomfort and preserves your tooth.

4. Watch What You Eat and Drink

You have to be careful with your food intake and be quick to floss and brush your teeth. Sugary drinks, like sodas or sweetened coffee, are especially harmful because they can flood your mouth with sugar. Some foods also contain acids and other substances that are bad for your teeth and gums. Carefully monitoring your intake of food and drink can help protect your oral health.

Ensure your oral health is a top priority by following these tips. Give us a call or send an online request to schedule an appointment with one of our dentists. We look forward to hearing from you.

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