Taking care of your oral hygiene doesn’t just involve your teeth. In fact, your gums are equally important! After all, your gums help to protect your teeth. When they begin to recede, it could cause your teeth to loosen or even completely fall out. Here are some tips the best dentists recommend for taking care of your gums.

1. Brush Gently and Thoroughly

Some people think brushing means being tough on your teeth. However, if you brush too hard you could create irritated gums, which can cause bleeding. Brush gently, and make sure you use the right circular motions to be thorough.

2. Floss

Flossing is also important, as it helps to get rid of food particles between teeth that brushing doesn’t quite reach. You should also consider using an interdental brush, which makes getting between your teeth easier. Proper flossing can go a long way to preventing receding gums, as it can help get rid of bacteria that can get trapped beneath your gum line.

3. Use Mouthwash

After you brush and floss, you can finish things off with quality mouthwash. According to Listerine, their powerful mouthwash can kill up to 99.9% of bacteria. The less bacteria you have in your mouth, the less likely your mouth can build plaque or tartar, which are known for causing gingivitis, a form of gum disease.

4. Watch Your Diet

A healthy diet goes a long way in keeping your gums healthy, so be sure to intake vitamin C, calcium, and fiber as much as possible. Drinking water not only flushes your gut but also helps get rid of food particles and bacteria that linger throughout the day.

5. Avoid Tobacco Products

According to the CDC, tobacco and diabetes are two risk factors for gum disease. That’s why the best dentists will tell you to avoid smoking and chewing tobacco. If you’ve seen people who have smoked a long time but didn’t practice oral hygiene, you may notice that their gums often recede and can result in loose teeth.

The best dentists want to ensure you care for your oral health. Never forget about taking care of your gums, as the soft tissue is essential for keeping your mouth healthy. To make sure your gums are well and to get advice on proper hygiene, contact White Dental Studio today for an appointment.

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