Teeth Whitening

Why have my teeth changed their shade? This is a question we are often asked and there are many different reasons. In a nutshell, the three types of stain are extrinsic, intrinsic and age-related. Almost everyone enjoys a good cup of coffee or tea. Many adults also...

Children’s Dental Tips – The Basics

I don’t know how many times my friends ask when their children should see a dentist, so I’d like to offer my children’s dental tips to help many other parents out there.  Many say they help their son or daughter brush every day or that their child...

Modern, but Natural

It’s official, we’ve been open for a few days and things are running smoothly! Thanks to our friends and family for being our “warm up” patients while we work on smoothing our systems and routine. We get a lot of questions about our decor and I...
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