by White Dental Studio | May 8, 2024 | Blog
Our self-confidence is strongly tied to our appearance. This is normal, and people should be able to feel good about their looks, particularly their smile. When you have noticeable issues with your teeth, it can make it hard to feel good, however. Fortunately, there...
by White Dental Studio | Apr 9, 2024 | Blog
According to the CDC, about 25.9% of adults currently have untreated caries. But what exactly are they, and how do they develop? Here are some key facts that local dentists want you to know about dental caries. Caries Are Cavities Simply put, caries are synonymous...
by wpengine | Apr 9, 2024 | Blog
Local dentists strongly recommend flossing, as it is an important part of proper and consistent oral health care. Most people are good at brushing but fall short when it comes to daily flossing. Here are three reasons you should floss every day. 1. Prevent Cavities...
by White Dental Studio | Feb 23, 2024 | Blog
The best dentists recommend brushing your teeth every morning and night. According to Healthline, you should brush twice a day, especially after meals. However, many people are so exhausted at the end of their day that they skip brushing at night! This article will...
by White Dental Studio | Feb 19, 2024 | Blog
One of the main things people first learn about oral health is that they need to brush their teeth twice a day. Unfortunately, 25% of adults don’t do that, which increases their risk of tooth decay by 33%. What are the main risks of not brushing your teeth? Keep...
by White Dental Studio | Dec 15, 2023 | Blog
Preventative dentistry often refers to services performed by the best dentist to keep your teeth healthy. Preventive services is an umbrella term encompassing several procedures that help prevent things like cavities before they start. Here are some of the most common...
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