4 Essential Cavity Prevention Tips

4 Essential Cavity Prevention Tips

Teeth are meant to last a lifetime, but a lifetime of neglect causes them to go bad. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, a fourth of the nation’s adults have at least one cavity. Instead of neglecting your teeth and becoming one of the 25% with at...
The Risks of Leaving Cavities Untreated

The Risks of Leaving Cavities Untreated

A lot of people routinely ignore the need for dental care, including filling cavities when they first start. Ignoring a cavity has many direct and indirect costs. For example, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, students annually lose a combined 34...
Why Is Your Dental Cleaning So Important?

Why Is Your Dental Cleaning So Important?

One of the easiest and most affordable dental services that you can get is dental exams and cleanings. They are so beneficial that many dental insurance providers cover their costs knowing that they often prevent costlier procedures in the near future. According to...
5 Dental Tips to Prevent Tooth Decay

5 Dental Tips to Prevent Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is a common dental problem facing people of all ages. Most cavities require fillings or caps to ensure you can still eat and speak properly. However, the best way to deal with tooth decay is by preventing it. Use these tips and tricks to keep your smile...
What Are the Benefits of Brushing Twice Daily?

What Are the Benefits of Brushing Twice Daily?

When it comes to oral health, there are many things that can be done to keep and improve it. One of them is to brush at least twice a day. But why is that? Here are several benefits of brushing your teeth twice a day. You Can Keep Bacteria From Building Up When you...
What to Expect at Your Dental Cleaning

What to Expect at Your Dental Cleaning

You need to see your dentist regularly. For most, that means coming in for a cleaning and checkup twice a year. But what if it’s been a while? You might not be sure of what happens during a dental hygiene appointment, or be apprehensive about the process. Before...
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