The best dentists recommend brushing your teeth every morning and night. According to Healthline, you should brush twice a day, especially after meals. However, many people are so exhausted at the end of their day that they skip brushing at night! This article will review the most important reasons you should take your time with your nightly oral care routine.

Remove Bacteria

Regular brushing helps remove bacteria and plaque that build up along your gums and teeth throughout the day. When you don’t brush at night, these bacteria linger on the teeth and gums, promoting bacterial growth. The longer you go without brushing, the more likely you will experience cavities and decay.

Reduce Bad Breath

Bacteria does a lot more than cause cavities; it can also cause bad breath. The bacteria will thrive on your tongue and gums, giving you horrible morning breath when you wake up. It can be embarrassing and make a good morning kiss impossible. Brushing before bed removes that bacteria to ensure your breath smells better in the morning.

Develop a Habit

Taking care of your teeth, tongue, and gums is a healthy habit everyone should practice. When you take the time to brush your teeth before heading to bed, it instantly helps you develop healthy habits. These practices will stay with you forever, ensuring you have healthy teeth and gums.

Healthy Gums

Gum disease is a common health issue that should not be taken lightly. It can lead to bleeding gums and even tooth loss. Bacteria on the gums can quickly turn into tartar, which is harder to rinse away. Don’t allow these germs to build up and become a lingering health concern. Establishing a healthy oral care routine is part of a treatment plan for gum disease.

Role Models

Parents are often the best role models for their children. When your kids see you taking the time to brush your teeth every night, they’ll want to follow suit. The best dentists know that making proper oral hygiene part of family time can help prevent future problems in children. Remember, your little ones developing a habit young helps them maintain it in the long run!

The best dentists can advise you and help you take proper care of your teeth to ensure healthy teeth and gums. Looking to schedule exceptional dental services from a team your whole family will love? If so, then contact our office to schedule your next appointment.

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