How significant is a smile? In one poll conducted on 1,000 American adults by a medical device company, it was found that 94% said they were more likely to notice a person’s smile than any other feature on a first meeting. 

And in yet another poll, this time by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, it was found that while only 25% of the people you meet for the first time will remember what you said, 48% of them will remember your smile.

While you want to be remembered for your smile, not everyone is born with perfect teeth to achieve a dazzling grin. But don’t worry! A smile makeover can fix that for you.

What Is A Smile Makeover?

A smile makeover is the process of improving the appearance of your mouth through the use of one or several cosmetic dentistry procedures. These can include:

  • Teeth whitening
  • Dental crowns
  • Dental veneers
  • Composite fillings

It involves a cosmetic dentist who will create a treatment plan that takes several factors into consideration, such as your:

  • Skin tone
  • Hair color
  • Facial appearance
  • Teeth length/size/color/shape
  • Gum tissue
  • Lip support

Your dentist will then suggest procedures that will give you the most natural-looking and beautiful smile possible.

What Dental Issues Do Smile Makeovers Fix?

What is it about your smile that you don’t like? Your dentist will review these aspects with you and create a personalized smile makeover plan that will take your concerns into account. 

1. Chipped or misshapen teeth – Let’s say that you have teeth that aren’t as white as you’d like but also do not have a uniform shape or are heavily worn. Instead of teeth whitening, your dentist may suggest veneers instead. Veneers will give your teeth a more uniform look, and they will come in a shade that best fits the tone of your skin and hair.

Veneers also fix chipped teeth, remove uneven spaces between teeth, and stained teeth that can’t be whitened by bleaching.

2. Unevenly spaced and misaligned teeth – While a gap on the front teeth can be considered by some as cute, it doesn’t look as playful when the surrounding teeth have gaps as well. Or if several teeth are crooked. 

Your cosmetic dentist may recommend a teeth realignment procedure, such as the use of traditional braces or a clear aligner option, to correct this.

3. Missing teeth – If a tooth or teeth is missing, dental procedures such as implants, bridges, or dentures may be recommended by your dentist.

4. Gummy Smile or Fang-Like Teeth – Even gummy smiles or long-looking teeth can be fixed through a smile makeover. 

For gummy smiles, the dentist will trim away excess gum tissue to reveal more of the tooth. On the other hand, if the tooth appears too long because the gums have receded, the dentist may either recommend a recontouring (reshaping of the teeth) or gum grafting.

5. Aging Face – As people age, the face usually loses its youthful look and even shape. However, the look can be improved through certain procedures like orthodontics or oral maxillofacial surgery.

What Should You Expect From A Smile Makeover Consultation?

When you book an appointment for an initial consultation, expect to have a full assessment performed by your dentist to determine the health of your teeth, gums, bite, and underlying support structure. Any oral health problems (like gum disease) that will be revealed by the evaluation must be addressed first before any of the cosmetic procedures begin.

This is the time to sit down with your dentist and let them know about your dental goals. And your dentist, in turn, will tell you what to expect.

During this time, impressions or scans of your teeth will be made to give you a preview of the expected results. The preview may come in the form of a digital image, dental study model (plaster copy of your teeth), or composite bonding mockup (a temporary bonding of composite resin to your teeth so you can feel and visualize the impact of the procedure before treatment.) 

You may also be shown before and after photos of previous patients to give you an idea of what the expected results look like.

Cost And Length Of Treatment

The cost of your smile makeover and length of treatment will depend on what needs to be done, and this varies from person to person. It can be a matter of one dental visit or several over a period of many months. 

Be aware that your dental insurance can only cover the procedures that are medically necessary. Procedures such as root canals and dental restorations caused by damage may be covered,  but treatments done specifically for aesthetics typically won’t be.


When you have your beautiful smile, it’s important that you maintain your new teeth. If your previous dental habits were what led to having these procedures done, changing those bad habits is a must. 

Ready for a new smile?

If you feel like your smile could be better, give us a call at 541.708.6288 and get started on the journey of having a beautiful grin that people will remember. 

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