Your smile may be one of your favorite features, so it’s important to take care of your teeth. Whether through homecare or visiting a dentist regularly, it’s important to keep your teeth healthy. Here’s what happens when you take great care of your teeth and keep up with regular visits to your local dentist.

You Can Protect Yourself from Gum Disease

If you neglect to brush and floss your teeth on a regular basis, then you’re setting yourself up for gum disease. It will start off as gingivitis, which shows itself in the form of tender, bleeding gums. This is reversible, though. Resuming good brushing and flossing combined with the help of one of our hygienists, things can return to normal.

If you don’t address gingivitis, then it can progress into periodontitis, which means that tartar and plaque have built up under your gumline, and the body begins trying to remodel itself to get away from this unwanted buildup. If your local dentist catches it early on, then they can begin periodontal therapy, which addresses buildup under the gumline. You may be prescribed a course of antibiotics and come visit every three months instead of six months until you show that you’re back on track.

You Can Improve Your Overall Health

Contrary to popular belief, your head is not a closed loop. Bacteria that form in your mouth can make their way into your bloodstream, especially if you’ve been neglecting your gums. That bacteria can affect other parts of your body and place you at risk for diabetes, cancer, and heart disease, among other things. Taking care of your teeth can help your overall health.

It takes only five minutes of your time each day to correctly take care of your teeth. Two minutes of brushing in the morning and evening, with one minute of flossing at the end of your day carefully and you can enjoy a healthy mouth.

Are you looking for a local dentist to schedule regular checkups with? Contact us today to schedule an appointment with a knowledgeable dentist! We want to make sure your teeth are healthy all year long. With our experienced team of professionals, you can feel peace of mind you’re in the right hands.

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