Are you missing one or more teeth and need dental bridges? This procedure is very beneficial when done properly. Here’s what you need to know about bridges and how the process works!

How Can They Help You?

Dental bridges are used to fill in gaps in your smile, typically when multiple teeth are missing in an area. They’re usually installed if a tooth is so decayed that it has fallen out or must be removed. Dentists may also install bridges to help replace teeth that have been damaged and cannot be saved. They’re typically placed over multi-tooth gaps to improve your smile.

Which Types Are Available?

Your dental professional may use multiple types of bridges, including traditional options with two crowns that anchor the false teeth in place. By contrast, a cantilever bridge uses only one crown, while Maryland bridges use a more conservative installation process. Your dentist will carefully choose bridges that make the most sense for your health needs.

How Does This Process Work?

A bridge is a unique support structure installed on your teeth around the gap to improve your smile. A temporary bridge helps to protect your teeth before the dentist places the real bridge. Usually, it takes about two weeks for fabrication of the final bridge, at which point the dentist will install it directly on the support system added to your teeth before the process.

How Long Should They Last?

If you properly maintained, bridges should last at least a decade or even longer. Regularly brushing and flossing your teeth can improve them and ensure they stay healthy and strong. Regular checkups with your dentist can also help, as will avoiding foods that may cause cracks or fractures in your teeth, such as hard nuts, popcorn, and other items.

How Long Will Recovery Take?

After treatment, your mouth will feel a little sore or tender; sometimes, your gums might bleed. It may take a few weeks for your gums to fully heal. Depending on their recovery, most people typically return to work or school the next day. Make sure you practice regular oral hygiene to keep your teeth strong. Contact your dentist if your bridge comes out of place or if you experience pain while chewing.

These different factors all affect your dental bridges and must be carefully considered. If you’re interested in bridges, contact us today to learn more. Our team of professionals will ensure you get the high-quality dental support you need to stay healthy.

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