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Dental Sedation: Who Needs It And When?
Do you dread making a dental appointment? Does the thought of a dental procedure fill you with anxiety? You’re not alone. Some people are so afraid of undergoing treatment at the dentist that they’d rather bear the pain of a toothache, even one that’s severe. If...
What You Need To Know About Composite Fillings: Cost, Procedure, And After Care
If you’ve ever had a cavity, then you will be familiar with fillings. These are what dentists use to fill in an area in your tooth where decayed material used to be. In previous years, the most popular type of fillings was amalgam—that silver-colored material made up...
Night Guards And Everything You Need To Know About Them
Night Guards And Everything You Need To Know About Them Chronic headaches? Teeth grinding and clenching? You might have a condition called bruxism. If you do, your dentist might prescribe night guards for you. Here’s everything you need to know about them. What Are...
5 Things Dentists Wish Patients Knew
One of the roles of a dentist is educating patients about oral health. Below are just 5 things dentists wish their patients knew about dental health and oral hygiene. Your diet affects your teeth Brushing after a meal is a great way to avoid future dental problems—but...
Reasons for and Benefits of Amalgam Removal
Dental amalgam is a material dentists have used to fill in cavities for over a century. In the last few decades, amalgam fillings have caused controversy for containing mercury. With more awareness on the dangers of heavy metals in medicine, more individuals...
Intraoral Scanning: What This Means For You As A Patient
You may have heard the words ‘intraoral scanning’ mentioned by someone in your local dental practice during one of your visits. It’s a dental technology that’s much loved by dental professionals because it’s extremely efficient and saves a lot of time. But what...
Periodontal Disease: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment
Periodontal disease is one of the leading causes of tooth loss in adults. The word “periodontal” means around the tooth, and this disease strikes the gums and may also affect the ligaments and bones that surround your teeth. What it is is basically an infection and...
Are Gold Dental Crowns Made of Gold and Other Questions
“Why are dental crowns made of gold?” “Are gold dental crowns made of pure gold?” Not surprisingly, these are two of the most often asked questions by dental patients. The simplest answer is that gold dental crowns are one of the most durable types of crowns, and they...
Common Dental Questions Patients Ask
Patients who are going or about to go to the dentist usually have a lot of questions they want to ask. And that’s perfectly natural. So we decided to compile some of the most commonly asked dental questions and give detailed answers. Dental FAQ 1. How long will my...
What Causes a Toothache, And What Helps?
Whether it’s a dull persistent pain or a sudden sharp ache, tooth pain is not something you can readily ignore. Nor should you. While a toothache can be caused by something fairly innocuous like accidentally biting into something hard, there are other far more serious...
Caring For Your Baby’s Teeth And Gums – The First Few Years
Caring for your baby’s teeth and gums are essential parts of a good oral care routine that your child will hopefully carry on into adulthood. However, did you know that proper oral care should happen even before your baby’s teeth come in? For many babies, teeth will...
What Are Hybrid Dental Implants, And Why Are They Popular?
Back in the day, people who were missing many or most of their teeth had little option but to go with removable dentures, which weren’t the most comfortable or easiest things to adapt to. They could slip around when worn, and you might have difficulty speaking or...
MI Paste And Dental Health
If you’ve been to a dental office, you might have heard MI Paste (or Clinpro, which is a similar product) being mentioned. Or you might have heard something about it from a friend. Many dental care professionals laud it for being an effective non-surgical treatment...
Tooth Replacement Options And Which One Is Best For You
A missing tooth can certainly change the way you smile. It can also negatively impact tooth alignment, affect your speech and your ability to chew food, and may even cause you to lose confidence. Fortunately, there are many options available to help you restore that...
Why You Should Consider Dental Wellness Plans
Almost everyone has a health insurance plan in place, but dental insurance is lagging behind. And dental wellness plans? They’ve largely flown under the radar. Not many know that there are other options for people who can’t afford or don’t want to buy dental...
What Sets Us Apart From The Other Guys
Shopping for a dental practice? Have you typed “dentist Ashland” on your browser and are now confused with the overwhelming number of choices that came up? Since you’re already here, we might as well explain why our dental practice matters and what sets us apart....
Everything You Need to Know About Booking a Teeth Cleaning
You probably know that regular teeth cleanings are essential to good dental hygiene. Hygiene visits give you a great smile and prevents gum diseases and tooth decay, as experts say. But how regular is regular? How Often Should Teeth Cleanings Be Done? It...
Why Green Dental Care Is So Rare
As most of the world shifts towards eco consciousness, different industries have been led to find sustainable solutions that conserve resources and minimize waste. One of these is the dental industry, and its contribution to environmental wellness is called green...
Is Dental Insurance Worth It?
We all know that having health insurance is a necessity, but does dental insurance work the same way? And is it worth your money? In many cases, the answer is maybe. Health insurance shouldn’t be equated with dental insurance. They have one major difference....
What to Avoid In Toothpaste
Not all toothpastes are created equal. It may be hard to believe but some toothpastes can even harm your overall health. Even more shockingly, there are plenty of them around in the market. If you’ve ever wandered around your grocery aisle and been overwhelmed...
To Flouride or Not Flouride
If you’re like most everyone else, you probably grew up using standard fluoride toothpastes like Colgate or Crest. There were very few oral care choices back then, unlike what we’re seeing now. Today, we have the luxury of choosing between fluoride and non-fluoride...
Decoding Dental Codes
If you’ve ever been to a dental office, chances are that you’ve seen dental codes in your patient record or in some other type of documentation. Dental codes or Current Dental Terminology codes (CDT) are used in documenting specific procedures used on a patient. These...
Finding The Right Dentist For Your Child
Your child’s first tooth has erupted! It’s an exciting time for both you and your child. Your baby may be finding it interesting the things he can do (and chew) with his new oral ‘tool’, while you may be thankful for less sleepless nights now that teething discomfort...
What You Should Know Before Getting Teeth Whitening
Sparkling teeth can instantly make smiles more beautiful and memorable. That is why a lot of people decide to have teeth whitening done. The treatment is so incredibly safe (when completed with the guidance of a dental professional!) that it is now considered a...